I am my own captor; my prison is my mind. And, I seem to have lost the key...
This is me. I've been told that I think too much. And, I do. Maybe I'm making up for the first half of my life where I never thought about anything. I just accepted everything as it was given to me. I discovered in my mid- to late- teens that (surprisingly enough) this is not necessarily healthy for the mind. If a person is to grow, excel, achieve, her/his mind must develop. And, a mind cannot thrive if it does not question, ponder, hypothesize, speculate... Even a wealth of knowledge can only take you so far without opinion, contemplation, deliberation, reasoning. And, earlier in my life, I, honestly, was without. Sometimes I feel that my [unintentional] mental apathy put me behind the curve. But, now, I can't shut off my mind. I continually over think the most basic things. I often stray from the simplest thoughts, inevitably digressing to, at times, the origins of the universe and life (...weird right?). And, sometimes, this leaves me fearful or morose, or, just down right sad. The utter realization that we are physically and conceptually small, and simply insignificant, in comparison to the vastness of the known universe and all that it contains, and the possibility that we exist as we are only for this finite, and I should add, short, span of life, then, nothing, is, well, frankly, depressing. But, then, I snap out of it. Life is, as I said, short. No point in wasting it thinking too much about it...
On a side note, I was reluctant to blog. But, in the last few years I have felt this propensity to write. Maybe not stories or poems, or even songs [unfortunately]. I think, just something to get my thoughts 'on paper'. Maybe I can put my mind at some ease if I have an outlet..?
I encourage you (whomever 'you' may be...) to read along. I may not have been on this earth for long, but, in some ways, I believe I've come a long way already. I feel that I have something to offer - opinions to argue, words to guide, practical, youthful wisdom to give back to the world. And, I promise, most of my thoughts are far from that of a possible meaningless existence. So, come back. You may be surprised at what you read...
I love the way you write chris! Hopefully your pondering existence brings you to a place of peace instead of worry soon...especially after that gorgeous daughter of yours was born you have to know that we aren't living a meaningless existence! I'm officially following you now, and eagerly awaiting more "deep thoughts" ;)